“Back in 2018, our dream was to become one of the major players in Sofala province. We believed that our eggs would be on most tables in Sofala. We sought help, we invested all our savings in this business. And when we thought we had attained our goals, the unexpected happened. IDAI, a name we will never forget arrived and destroyed our dreams.” – Lote Muchanga, owner & managing-director, Quinta do Bom Ovo, Beira, Sofala.
“I have been in the poultry business since 2005. At an early stage, I worked in the district of Manica, where I had only one poultry house with the capacity to produce 1000 chicks per cycle. After a few years and with the experience that I gained, I decided to transfer the business to the city of Chimoio, in 2014. From that moment, I decided to increase the investment in poultry farming. At that time, I decided to invest in the construction of new pavilions and I bought a van with a cold system and another one to transport material and equipment. I also invested in a small cold system and in the construction of two stores, one in Chimoio and another in Pemba, Cabo Delgado, northern Mozambique. I was already dedicated to the business when I met the Marketplace for Nutritious Foods. This was a crucial moment for my business. "- – Alima Napido, owner of NADIH, a chicken production and processing company.
“Iniciei o meu negócio em 2007, como um passatempo. Na altura, o meu esposo trabalhava na indústria madeireira e eu ficava em casa com as crianças. Quando ele regressava do campo, no fim do mês, ele levava-me na carrinha para comprarmos carapau na cidade. Cerca de 50 caixas de cada vez. Eu vendia o peixe em casa, porque havia muita procura.
Mais tarde, o meu marido comprou uma carrinha quase nova, de um amigo Zimbabueano. Comecei a usar o carro para o negócio. Não eram tempos fáceis. Eu conduzia o carro todo o dia, até ao anoitecer, debaixo de sol e chuva.