"Feeding people and planet, simultaneously!"
As part of the global initiatives to promote nutrition, the Global Meeting of the Networks of the SUN Movement - Movement for Scaling Up Nutrition, of which Mozambique has been a member since 2010, is held every 2 years.
Agostinho Vuma e Gerda Verburg (Secretária Assistente Geral da ONU e Coordenadora do Movimento SUN)
Agostinho Vuma e Jakaya Kikwete (antigo Presidente da Tanzânia e Campeão da Nutrição)
Agostinho Vuma e Kátia dos Santos Dias (Directora da GAIN Moçambique e co-facilitadora do SBNMOZ)
This was the flagship event of the SUN Movement and an important occasion where its members presented on the progress and challenges, shared their innovations, and learned about what is contributing to the reduction of malnutrition within the countries of the Movement. It was an opportunity for the members of the Movement to recharge their energies and encourage each other through sharing, learning and identifying ways to raise the level of their advocacy against malnutrition.
Cláudia Lopes SETSAN Abel Dabula SBNMOZ Víctor Sitão MISAU Edna Possolo em representação do PMA co facilitador do SBNMOZ Agostinho Vuma Lígia Muthemba em representação do SUN Sociedade Civil e Higino André S
Cláudia Lopes SETSAN Abel Dabula SBNMOZ Víctor Sitão MISAU Edna Possolo em representação do PMA co facilitador do SBNMOZ Agostinho Vuma Lígia Muthemba em representação do SUN Sociedade Civil e Higino André S
“We hope to showcase the progress made in the past two years, with the increased engagement of the private sector, in nutrition promotion initiatives. In these two years, the Network has grown, and we are working with about 100 companies, including small, medium and large, from various sectors and who have understood that promoting nutrition is everyone's responsibility. We promoted several roundtable discussions on nutrition-sensitive topics, focusing on the challenges faced by food systems, including access to finance, technology and knowledge, as well as the promotion of nutrition initiatives in the workplace and the participation of the private sector during emergencies such as the cyclones that recently affected the country” said Abel Dabula, SBNMOZ manager, on occasion.
As in previous years, this event was divided into several sections, including plenary sessions, workshops and exhibitions, where countries shared their experience in scaling up nutrition. This year, SBNMOZ was represented by its co-facilitators, GAIN and PMA, as well as the Champion of Nutrition for the Private Sector in Mozambique, Eng Agostinho Vuma, current president of CTA.
This year, as on previous occasions, a national delegation, which included the focal points of the various networks of this movement (Government, civil society, donors and the United Nations, academia and the private sector, among others), represented Mozambique, from 4-7 November, at the Global Meeting of the SUN Movement in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Agostinho Vuma Kátia dos Santos Dias e Abel Dabula
Tarun Vij GAIN Índia Agostinho Vuma e Ravi Menon GAIN Índia
Agostinho Vuma e Higino André
“I feel fulfilled to see the response from the private sector. Having the President of CTA here representing national entrepreneurs and knowing that he will be one of the speakers on one of the main panels of this event is a source of pride for the Network and for the country. This is a demonstration of the openness of the private sector in contributing to better nutrition for all of us”, said Kátia dos Santos Dias, Director of GAIN Mozambique and co-facilitator of the Network.