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As part of the celebrations of its 20 years, GAIN launches the IV Edition of the National Journalism Award for Nutrition and Food Security. All Mozambican journalists are invited to submit journalistic works for the promotion of nutrition and food security published between August 1st, 2021 and October 5th, 2022. CONTEST RULES AND REGULATIONS I. Framework:
1. Individual prizes will be awarded in the categories of Radio, Print and Television. Each contestant may submit a maximum of 2 pieces. 2. The prize for journalism in nutrition and food safety will be awarded to the media organization that frequently and excellently covers topics on chronic malnutrition. 3. Audio and television entries must be a minimum of 15 minutes and a maximum of 30 minutes in length; 4. The individual works to be awarded must be of individual and/or collective authorship of journalists presented in the same form as they were published in the media in Mozambique, that is: a. For works published in the written press, three copies of the publication of the said article must be submitted 5. The copies submitted to the contest will not be returned and may be used by GAIN and partner institutions for different purposes, as long as they are non-profitable. 6. Considering the annuity of this award, only works published in Mozambican media in the period between: 7. The works must be accompanied by a brief Curriculum Vitae, indicating e-mail address, telephone numbers and other contact details of the author(s) and a letter of application to the competition indicating the title of the competing work.
II. Place for Submission of Applications: Maputo City In the Provinces III. Deadline for Submission of Applications: a. The submission period for competing works is from June 07 to October 05, 2022. For the present contest (2021/2022), the prizes are cash prizes: b. For the media organization that best divulges or approaches the subject of chronic malnutrition, the prize will be in the amount of 100.000,00 MT (one hundred thousand meticais). It is up to the awarded organization to encourage other professionals, journalists or not, who have participated in the preparation of the work.
IV. Award Ceremony The jury will announce the winners of the "Prize of Journalism for Nutrition and Food Security" in a public ceremony to be held in September 2022, with place to be announced.
V. Basic criteria for evaluation a. Entries will be evaluated from 6 to October 10th, 2022.
VI. Papers on the following topics will be considered for evaluation: a. Relevant Nutrition and Food Security themes, such as: nutrition education and eating habits (taboos), exclusive breastfeeding, adequate complementary feeding, women's nutrition care during pregnancy and lactation, premature marriage and early pregnancy, supplementation, infectious and parasitic diseases, prenatal consultations, hygiene and sanitation, education, social protection, gender, women's empowerment, poverty, contribution of the private sector in promoting nutrition and food security, and others; 8. For the appreciation of the works and selection of the winners, there will be a jury made up of personalities from relevant areas designated by GAIN Mozambique, and the partners PSC-SUN Mozambique, SETSAN, MISAU and SNJ. 9. There will be no appeal to the decisions of the Jury. 10. Members of the jury may not participate in the competition. 11. If justified, the Jury may award honourable mentions. 12. The participation of interested parties is free and voluntary. 13. Enrolment in the contest implies acceptance, in letter and spirit, of the terms of these regulations. 14. Winners of the "National Journalism Award for Nutrition and Food Security " implicitly authorize the use of their work for educational purposes without any charge to the sponsors, institutions involved and organizations supporting the initiative. 15. These regulations may be amended by decision of the jury. 16. Cases of omission will be decided by the jury.